Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Finger Up Your Ass

I'll never understand the American Nanny-State. For the life of me, no where in the Constitution can I find a reference to the government having ownership of my body. Prohibition 2.0 is so casually acceptable to the modern version of lazy churched and un-churched Puritans. Hypnotized by the notion that surrendering responsibility makes you safer from local TV news bloody boogey-men, chicken-shit America has willingly abdicated the unwritten Natural Right to Privacy. If only the Founding Fathers added a definitive MYOB clause, the entire 21st century American police/prison culture would not exist. We the Sheeple love a witch trial here in a country spawned from a busy-body religious cult. It is simply a sad and embarrassingly pathetic chicken-shit country we live in. We must never give up to this snoopy legacy. I've probably triggered the gutless Patriot Act with this poorly written paragraph. The 4th Amendment is a bad joke, "secure in their persons"? There is no separation of Church and State in automatic opt-in America. Democrats and Republicans are guaranteed election and re-election by pimping fear to pansy America.

Land of the Free, my ass. My ass? The majority of my countrymen are comfortable with a police officer sticking his fat, greasy, probing finger up my asshole when marijuana, a fucking weed, might be in the vicinity. Go look up a cannabis law, substitute gladiolas for marijuana. Ridiculous, yes? That's right, here in America, young Black men are disproportionally locked up because Gladiolus Regulation benefits us all. Thanks Steve Jobs, being alone and disconnected from technology's grasp is weird and socially unacceptable. You must be available 24/7/365. How long before it's illegal to be apart from your iDevice? Your every movement and moment documented by tracking cookies, RFIDs, and every street-corner plastered with 9/11 surveillance cameras. Privacy dead from billions of cuts. Given away freely. That Halloween cackle from the grave is Carrie Nation, welcoming you back to fanatical zealot 1919. pffft. Damn you and your ilk to Hell, mind your own fucking business.

Thank you ACLU, where there's hope there's fire.

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