Sunday, September 7, 2014

Thanks For Nothing.

Thanks Internets. Thanks for nothing, you POS swill-trough. A big wad of bile, greasy bile, that's what passes for civilized thought in 2014. The pen is no longer mightier than the sword. We now live in a Moronacracy. The idiots have won, they've flooded modern life with an onslaught of venomous grammatically-incorrect vomit. So what, right? Who cares. No one is going to read this because nothing written matters anymore. Reading is for ''loosers''. The Comment Section and the democracy of telecommunications has destroyed conversation, it's ruined the exchange of ideas, and it has obliterated any chance at potential intellectual discussion. Bloodthirsty hoardes of sons of Jerky Boys dominate Media. Heretofore unrivalled Stupidity and viciousness now rule modern communication. Intelligent thought is washed away with the Niagara-Falls-volume of assholes patrolling the Internet. Journalism is dead. Newspapers are dead. Never could I imagine that newspapers would go the way of vinyl records.  The Rule of the Troll has drowned out all thoughtful interaction. Kudos to America on the back-slide to Irrelevencnicity, the 'Merca that was 'too busy' to read a newspaper. App $10 to a cop who shoots the colored to teach those food-stampers a lesson. The 21st century only cares about celebrity nipple-slips, and ''if it bleeds it leads'' i.e. whore and gore infotainment. And weather. Weather dominates local TV news. Unless you are a fucking farmer, does it really matter what the seasons are doing? 12 minutes of your local chitter-chatter broadcast is devoted to SHIT THAT DOES NOT MATTER. Do you need to know tempratures throughout the day? This up-to-the.minute grand importance killed the daily. Newspapers are long gone, replaced with market-targeted happy-happy local TeeVee douche-casts that are designed to scare you about your neighbors, ("can't believe this happened on my street''). And roll tape!! Mmmm-go!!! Car-crash live on the scene coverage annnnd...mugshots of scary-types followed by rape-murder-in-a-different-state-burgers-are-good/bad-for-you-tisk-tisk-tisk, a pep you up feel-gooder with an animal or a disabled kid doing something cute and funny. What Beyonce and Miley wore to da club is required knowledge.This is what technological innovation has wrought. A society of fat, lazy, racist, celebrity-worshipping, ignorant Creature-From-the-Black-Lagooners that breeds basement porn-Trolls, ta-da! The tsunami of ones and zero-based Idiot-puke has washed away anything thoughtful. Even if one cares, how frustrating is it to wade through the Slop? So what. All that matters is the American Way. The Way? The way Wallymart can separate your money from your wallet. Because you need more shit, yes? Shakespeare and Hemmingway trying to get published in the 21st century? Yeah right, they would not get a passing chance at an audience because even thinking people have waved off the labor of shit-shifting. Maybe if they flashed a wang-pic. Unless you're the equivalent to a truffle-hunting piglet, you've given up trying to sort the advertising from the gory chaff to find something-anything worth knowing. Here lies Grammar, Decency and  Intellect, they had a good run. It's unfortunate, there is no place to read their obituaries. Smartphones? Smartphones, now that's funny. Oh, 'BTW', that's by the way for you book learnin' folk, your American government is pondering whether to let your ISPs slow down your bandwidth unless you pony up for premium tier service. So, even your bucket of swill will be served in lukewarm gloppy-style. Net Neutrality? Let's call it the Bucket of Two-day Old Squid Challenge. Let's all snuggle around the Utube-Netflixster Box and watch hour after hour of hilarious Squid Bucket vid-pops. Welcome to the Lowest Common Denominator. Like me on Facebook.

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