These are the overriding concerns of an aspiring, yea an up and coming, Curmudgeon. If it's at all possible, please try to ignore the overwhelming education and life experiences of the author. Any and all misconstrued thoughts, factual errors, misrepresentations, aggrandizements, and downright lies are the responsibility of a yet to be named Editor or contributor-to-blame. And recipes.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Fiction of Summer
The things that spring to mind when the Sunday morning Bloody Mary at the cafe reignites what should have been extinguished...and paragraphs fall victim valiantly...nice actual pic too...the rest? That's between the author and that elixir avec salade.
Ballantines. Ha! You're taking me back down the loving road of my youth. For a few Summers, the big big (RARE as the day is long) Summer gathering of the Clan actually happened. No negotiation. That designated Saturday was it. Period. Collectively, my Dad, his two younger brothers, three sisters and their husbands/my other uncles , my gaggle of cousins, Nana, Grampa, my great Uncle Matt of incredible founding fathers' sideburns fame (one of three Uncle Matts), my great Granpop (my Grandpa's dad who pretended to be deaf when Nana would yell at him.), and a bunch of great Aunties still would be unrecognizable to me, WOULD TAKE OVER AND OCCUPY a pavilion at Valley State Park in idyllic Upstate New York. Freeze-tag, frisbee, softball, horseshoes, the deadly Jarts, catching little orange newts in the woods with my cousins. Multiple grills cooking spiedies, kielbasa,burgers, hot dogs,tons of salt potatoes, giant burlap sacks and sacks of little-neck clams. Now taboo open vats of macaroni salad and potato salad and big jars of Lithuanian pickled everything(s) and a thousand pies, cakes and the jello with grape eye-balls or carrot shreddings and cookies and strange Old Country sugared somethings,giant garbage can sized tins of chips and pretzels, covered tacky multi-colored picnic table-clothed picnic-tables. My Uncles would scoop-herd up all of the childrens and lead us through the wooded trails down to the combination lake and cement-bottomed swimming area. Man oh man, State Park was cool. I imagine it still is. We all arrive at the swimming area, gaggle of kids with questionable supervision. The swimming area was some kind of seamless connection to the actual lake. Even at the time, this was a strange but some kind of wonderful WPA idea. My vague understanding of this kingdom can only be related by some kind of silly solitary Lithuanian/Polish dance from the ancient Baltic era. Christ on a motorcycle bike on fire, you have to pee. The dark brown wooden box-huts, the kind of little boy gotta pee waiting line with twenty other little cross-crissed legged dudes squeezing their tiny weenies holding it for mercy hut. Phew. Back to the mythological body of water that you should have whizzed in, hectares of water with pebbles-in-concrete smooth algae-covered bottom with natural lake water all around.The only possible explanation of the slippery algae pebbled gentle slope expanded from a foot deep A few times, a quiet summer blur when I was a small person, Mom would bring my little baby sister and me to State Park, it had the wood signs with yellow paint inlays lettering designating and directing to the vast environs of the Park's picnic spots and softball fields and the collective acres and acres of picnic magic spots. Us kids would be twitching like baby kangaroos to go swimming. PULEEZE. The most vivid memory, collectively, was swimming or moreorless wading walking from a foot deep all all all the way out until your head would be under water. Under foot is a magical environ of cement with pebbled rock and a thick layer of algae. The water itself was a deep emerald lake green. Swimming with all stages of polliwogs was a science class come to life simply by opening your eyes underwater. Wow, catching and bring home some polliwogs was a boy's dream come true. All Uncles would immediately gravitate toward the super-deep-end. Giant laddered diving springboards lined up across from the canoe and rowboat rental boathouse where all the powerfully cool big people waited in line for a dive. My Uncles who all smoked cigarettes in a remarkably cool way and a few of my big cousins close to their age would duel with ever increasingly complicated and dangerous dives. Heroes were made and lost. Shivering and wrinkled we'd return to the picnic area, telling stories and spilling our captured polliwog's water. Poor bastards those polliwogs, destined for a brief life in captivity sometimes only until a trip and spill in the parking lot being loaded into the station wagon. Never had one become a full-blown frog. The tables were piled with food, the grilling was in power-mode. Mmmm-smoke. And always. Always always giant ice-filled tin washtubs and coolers packed Eagle brand quart glass bottles of a dozen colors and flavors. Delivered to my grandparent's house weekly, the original recyclable, there wasn't a word for it then. And in those In those tubs were mountains of cans of Genesee, Genesee Cream Ale, Utica Club,Carling Black Label, Matt's Premium. And Ballantines. Ice cold cans of Ballantines.
Spiedies are a traditional marinated meat skewered and cooked over fire served in a slice of Italian bread. No condiments. Found originally only in the Binghamton, NY area. The annual Spiedie Fest is fun for the whole family. The author falls firmly in the original Lupo's camp, but Salamida State Fair Spiedie Sauce is respectable enough.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tax You, America!
Portland, Oregon. 4:17 PCT. Dateline: Multnomah County Suburbia. Afraid of of entering Communist Portland for fear of accidental flouride contamination, wearing silly costumes and waving grammatically incorrect signs on highway overpasses provides a dopamine-like release for those who don't like things.
In honor of the Teabag Social Club's favorite day of the year, *shrieking sounds* April 15th,the shrewd ever-vigilant Americas guarding freedoms have decided to come clean *ahem* about the true origins concerning the bond or the glue that holds them together.Their delusions about who pays taxes, how much is paid and the truth concerning lower, yes lower, Federal tax rates this year notwithstanding,openly mocking these radio talk show's dream looneys is almost too easy. Happy Tax Day, TEABAGGERS.
You can't make this up. This video clip that was recently running on Fox News' website brings the Tea Party out of closet with smiles on their chins. In case you are missing out on what is an inside joke, try an urban dictionary website or consult just about anybody.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Geezus H. Cracker Snack
"I'm almost certain the rodents are laid-back little Franzetta corporate-weaned cranky, snot-ass Mall-thugs parked so low on the refurbished black pleather couch huffin' Hello Kitty nail polish cannot bring a smile to their fevered rectums that pass for faces..." ~Gramm Parsons makes a memorable splash in a chemically triangulated dream event.
The telephone woke me up. FedEx is here with my new watch. WOOHOO! I cannot remember what it is because it takes eight days for a ONE lb. package to traverse America via The Disabled Three-legged Aardvark Affirmative Hiring For Shipping Companies program. Mandated by Obamacare (page 2,138 in the footnotes). See? SEE? Told-ja this would happen!
Intercom: {lady FedEx voice}Got a package.
Me: I'll buzz you up. Hey, can you bring it in and toss it to me...
Intercom: No, we have regulations...
Me: I'm a quadriplegic and I'm not feeling well.
Intercom: Well...I...
Me: Kick me in the foot when you come in. Hard as you like...
Intercom: *white noise static*
Me: Shit.
And Cue Barry White. *knock knock* Door opens. "I'm over here." Cute-hottie FedEx babe looks over and laughs, "Well, this is a first." Me smiling avec debonair visage, "Thank you." Uber-cute FedEx fox tosses package onto corner of king size bed. Leaves chuckling and thereby proving Penthouse Forum letters a complete hoax. Again. Pfft... Oh yeah, it's the Swiss Made Stuhrling Original automatic movement skeletonized in a 44mm tonneau-shaped case with a rare green dial and black Italian leather strap with complimentary green stitching inlay. I'd forgotten this as the non-union Aardvarks take their sweet fucking site-seeing time crossing America The Beautiful. Sweet. ShopNBC is an opiate for watch junkies. Sweet, sweet watch.
Boutros Boutros-Ghali. I need to come back down, listen to some actual music played by actual people who have mastered their instrument. Voices honed in tiny holes in walls. Broked-down-side-of-[insert a random East to West/West to East Interstate highway] roulette. Where do we go then, Grip? Maybe this will help. Maybe, just maybe the public access channel in your town is lucid. They're almost bumping up against that dive bar that gets a stray show quality tonight. Road Warriors who'll split your lip if you were to say, "You guys are good, the lead singer should go on American Idol." It's really not an endangered species, known as "Musicians". They are out there, free-range so to speak. Then again, it happens here frequently, other towns not so much. Music is a primordial soup here in Portland. Slopping through the goo is nearly unavoidable.
The ancient dino-mind drifts a bit. A rusty gear shudders to a stop at FM radio. What's a radio? What's a FM? WAAL Binghamton 99.1 Music was thick and meaty juicy sweet. All of FM Radio was a velvety smooth fondue revolution. Can you smell the Land on the Moon groove? At midnight the Whale would spin an entire vinyl album without interruption. Everyone who played a Woodstock, Altamont, Montery Pop, Isle of Wight, Newport, and smooth assorted magic dudes appeared from nowhere, out of thin air. As a young boy on the sidelines, it was as if everything was happening all at once. At the same time. American culture was a wild, dangerous and hard-ugly and beautiful weird fireworks show.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Guest Wench Tears Back Iron Curtain
The GAG Board of Directors has given a key to the executive washroom to our new contributing analyst, and world renowned Doctor of Culture, Guest Wench. Her high fashion sense and innate ability to sniff out the finest Scotch blindfolded brings a grand air of distinction to this otherwise low rent hovel of a blog.
Editor's Note: The opinions expressed by Guest Wench are more than likely to be in agreement with Grip because Guest Wench is damn smoking smart. And odds are she probably thought of it first.
Dark Helmet: Prepare ship for light speed!
Col Sandurz: No, no, no, light speed is too slow!
Dark Helmet: Yes, we’re gonna have to go right to…ludicrous speed!
Col. Sandurz: Ludicrous speed?! Sir, we’ve never gone that fast before. I don’t know if the ship can take it.
Dark Helmet: What’s the matter Colonel Sandurz? Chicken?
And so here we are…2010…traveling ludicrous speed clockwise circling down the giant toilet bowl of the spectacle of society. Worshiping at the holy altar of eternal youth and celebrity, Americans enthusiastically stampede toward anything and everything that promises to make them superficially better people. American Nihilists fervently adhere to their fetishistic rituals – responding lockstep to sermons delivered through the warm glow of snake oil sermons on TV infomercials.
Hey white girl! Have you ever wanted a big, full-of-beans booty instead of that flaccid-milky, pancake ass that vertically droops in your mom jeans? Well NOW with Booty Pop Panties, you can get the perky bottom of a black girl’s tooshy! Absolutely effortless! Pop that booty, pop pop that booty pop! Pop that booty, pop pop that booty pop!
Hey chicken-fried steak, lunch-lady man arms! According to EVERYONE, toned arms are IN! Have you ever dreamed of having arms that look like a woman’s instead of your giant ape, cottage-cheese appendages? Well NOW with the Shake Weight, your dreams can become reality. In only six minutes a day, not only will you shake that pesky fat from the dark side of your dimply, bat wings, but you’ll also bone up (literally) on proper male masturbation techniques. It’s a WIN – WIN!
Hey Lady! Do you find that committing to a healthy lifestyle and exercise regimen just bores you to apathy and inertia? Have you ever wanted be a stripper but were unsure how to learn proper pole and chair-dancing technique? Well prepare for your head to explode NOW that the Flirty Girl Fitness system is here. With the Flirty Girl Fitness system, not only can you lose up to two pant sizes in one week, your new found stripper skills will allow you to change careers. Thanks Flirty Girl, you changed my life!
For under $100, Americans can directly enjoy the benefits of novelty and the accelerated advancement of our hyper-capitalist economy. Why expend time, effort and dedication when you can shortcut via non-sequitur gimmickry that produce immediate results? Why go light speed, when you can rip ass past that shit to ludicrous speed! Fuck YES! Cruise control set.
America, ludicrous speed ahead. Effortlessly as always bobbing up and down like buoys through the Sea of Effluvium…comfortably numb and ensconced by the banality of shiny, disposable and kitsch.
The Guest Wench aka Camille Clingan is an NYC-based comedienne. You can also find her on her own blog where she regularly ruminates on the righteous and the ridiculousness.
The staff is excited the sex industry is making inroads into the 21st Century home sweet home. And when in doubt the Editor falls back on the modern James version. Bond, James Bond. From the 1971 highly underrated masterpiece Diamond Are Forever:
James Bond: Weren't you a blonde when I came in?
Tiffany Case: Could be.
James Bond: I tend to notice little things like that - whether a girl is a blonde or a brunette.
Tiffany Case: Which do you prefer?
James Bond: Well, as long as the collar and cuffs match...
Backwoods Outrage
Not everyone in the hinterlands is a mouth-breathing douchebag. I received this missive via the intellectual secret pipeline, " Message Pigeons for Freedoms". The first few sentences appear to be blurred from teardrops or a shaky hand splashing a Bourbon rocks glass in a moment of political emotion. This much I could decifer:
"It's fucked, it is. All of it. We are so far down the motherfucking RABBIT HOLE that the shit that made no sense fifteen years ago is now de rigueur. Look, dude, every fucking generation since the heady days of Ur has maintained that successive generations have singlehandedly buttfucked the state/nation/world/universe. And they have. But never with such instantaneous far-reaching consequentials. Willful ignorance...WILLFUL. Deliberate. Pig-headed. Xenophobic. America Love It Or Leave It. Here, douchehead, lemme hold the door for ya. Don't forget your sixpack of Ballantines. 25 dead in a fucking mine explosion...the company had been fined up the yin-yang and no solutions implemented.
I am so waiting for the uprising. Torches and sickles. Got me a truckful of Velveeta and pork rinds. Coupla 40s of Old English. Will Shortz' Little Black Book of Sudoko. Air-pumped lounge chair. Raybans. Fuckin' A, Jesus. Siddown, ain't saving shit. Have a pork rind."
God Bless America. As long as the Pigeons of Freedom fly, we will keep posting your cards and letters.
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