Monday, October 31, 2011

The Perfect Shoe

Finally. Here it is. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the perfect shoe. It was made by Heutchy Union Black Shoes. This is not a paid endorsement, it's just that the perfect shoes should be worn. The world could use some Beauty. Beauty makes people feel good. And feeling good is a good thing. Shoes are good. Good shoes are better.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Finger Up Your Ass

I'll never understand the American Nanny-State. For the life of me, no where in the Constitution can I find a reference to the government having ownership of my body. Prohibition 2.0 is so casually acceptable to the modern version of lazy churched and un-churched Puritans. Hypnotized by the notion that surrendering responsibility makes you safer from local TV news bloody boogey-men, chicken-shit America has willingly abdicated the unwritten Natural Right to Privacy. If only the Founding Fathers added a definitive MYOB clause, the entire 21st century American police/prison culture would not exist. We the Sheeple love a witch trial here in a country spawned from a busy-body religious cult. It is simply a sad and embarrassingly pathetic chicken-shit country we live in. We must never give up to this snoopy legacy. I've probably triggered the gutless Patriot Act with this poorly written paragraph. The 4th Amendment is a bad joke, "secure in their persons"? There is no separation of Church and State in automatic opt-in America. Democrats and Republicans are guaranteed election and re-election by pimping fear to pansy America.

Land of the Free, my ass. My ass? The majority of my countrymen are comfortable with a police officer sticking his fat, greasy, probing finger up my asshole when marijuana, a fucking weed, might be in the vicinity. Go look up a cannabis law, substitute gladiolas for marijuana. Ridiculous, yes? That's right, here in America, young Black men are disproportionally locked up because Gladiolus Regulation benefits us all. Thanks Steve Jobs, being alone and disconnected from technology's grasp is weird and socially unacceptable. You must be available 24/7/365. How long before it's illegal to be apart from your iDevice? Your every movement and moment documented by tracking cookies, RFIDs, and every street-corner plastered with 9/11 surveillance cameras. Privacy dead from billions of cuts. Given away freely. That Halloween cackle from the grave is Carrie Nation, welcoming you back to fanatical zealot 1919. pffft. Damn you and your ilk to Hell, mind your own fucking business.

Thank you ACLU, where there's hope there's fire.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Occupy {"A City Near You"} or I Wear My Sunglasses At Night

Go ahead people. Occupy something. Bring your medical marijuana and the baby stroller. Bitch en masse about a $6 debit card fee. The Teabagger's demonstrated it's acceptable to sit a fat ass in a lawn-chair waving misspelled signs with hand-painted black-face representations of our creepy Africa-born Hawaiian Muslim POTUS. Afro-Pizza King Herman Cain you are next.

Enough Already. Pass this DVD, that your kid can burn for you, around the neighborhood. THEY LIVE. John Carpenter's 1988 cinematic masterpiece They Live appears to be a near documentary of life in the beginning of the 21st Century. The first time I saw it TWENTY-SOME years ago, I mocked it as a piece of closet pop culture. A wrestler, acting? For Christ-Sakes. Another Planet of the Apes. Certainly not in Blade Runner's league. Please watch it with a critical eye. All by yourself. Place a sound-activated DVR in your shirt-pocket. After the screening, listen to the "what the..." and the "no fucking way" replays. Fucking genius social critique buried in that box of VHS tapes. Grab your nuts, America. Time to sack up.

This is the full length FREE ABSOLUTELY FREE widescreen film available at youtube.

Cut and paste in your browser for the entire full-length film:

The owners of the film rights are frankly wonderful people. Buy the DVD for your permanent collection. And shake Mr. Piper's hand if you see him, thank him for his brilliant role in They Live.

Happy Halloween. Go ahead, try to sleep now.

Apologies for gratuitous profanity. You will understand. And have mercy and click an ad right down below. I'm a few clicky's from a $5. Don't buy, just click thru. Thank you. This is Steve Jobs digital world. Democratization of communication has flushed intellectual thought and literature into the digital ocean instantaneously. Washed away, the tsunami of the valueless Garbage Patch of gossip and social group fetishes and mundane discussions of lunch.

Monday, October 10, 2011

FEEER Is The Answer

Been boiling an idea about enjoining all American peoples in a common solution to all of our energy needs, full employment, eliminating taxes across all strata and income and well...everyone. It's simple. It will make everyone poop-your-pants-with-glee fucking happy. FEEER. It's a unicorn shitting glitter turds of an acronym. FEEER.

Envision the Flyover Energy Economic Empowerment Region. FEEER. Essentially no one cares about the flyover states. The Midwest is the new Confederacy at its heart and in its spirit. Let's face it, between the Rockies and Appalachia, and from the Gulf to the Cheese Belt its a cultural and economic wasteland. What land Monsanto doesn't reign over with their poison-based feudalism is a true to life intellectual Zombie zone. Time to put it to good use and save the nation from an all-out Civil War, except this time the weapons are a tad more lethal than a musket ball. And Walmart will happily arm everybody. Here it is. A Simple two page plan, and one of them is a colorful map. It's time to strip mine the entire Mid-West. Flip and Gut the Plains. A joyful rape of the Land of White Trash-hating Tornadoes and perpetual budget-busting flood-thrashed trailer-parks. Why even the government will save a bundle, it's time for just one big Dakota instead of two, right?

Leave alone the coastal-States like a Twister game, anything Liberal that touches internationally accessible waters is not to be Caterpillared. See, here's the thinking: Most of the Idiocracy of turn and burn voters lives in this Flyover Square. In order to preserve the Union, let them live and earn and burn the MidWest. Coastal politicals and dirty hippies are not keen on the fracking. Heartlanders get boners from the flipping the dirt and mountain-topping, sucking out the petroleum, burning the trash, anything for coin. God-fearing gun-loving, pork 'n' bean Beer-belly book-burning Teabaggers will pee their Carhartts at this Program. And have a heart, fat people need jobs too. No need to secede.

Boom. End of the bickering over the 'Environment'. All the decent National Parks are outside the Flyover anyway. The Mississippi River is just a giant toilet thanks to demon gravity. Let's end our dependence on foreign energy. Rip And Flip And Frack. Drill Baby Drill. Jobs jobs jobs for the GED crowd. Our liberal intellectual zones are preserved, clean and organically fresh as new union-sewn hemp underpants. The Pat Robertson/Jerry Springer crowd is paid and contained. America calls a truce between Republi-retards and the Smuggo-crats. Who do you know really wants to deal with 'Flyover America' soon to be 'Flipped Over America'??? Christ, these people are frightened by big books like a jury at a Salem witch trial. And the Earth is 5,000 years old. Fucking Monster Truck morons.

Solved by FEEER. Problem Fucking Motherfucking Solved.

Big Balls to roll this one out. Be serious, let's stop pretending for Christs-sakes, for Gaia-sakes. We don't get along, we don't need to get along and WE WILL NEVER GET ALONG. Enough already before full scale Civil War breaks out again. It may not have come to this if Abe Lincoln wasn't such a dedicated smarty-pants. The Mason-Dixon Line was simply not as well thought out or natural as The FEEER demarcation Square. Needs some fleshing out, patching the holes with a few minor mandatory no exceptions. Kentucky's Bourbon production is sacred ground, as is Bourbon Street and New Orleans. Austin will have to be relocated and lose its Capitol status. Iowa will be stripped of all political rights, as the Nation's designated pig farm it will be fenced off from all humans in Zone as well. The map is a tad trapezoidal with Slavery-based Carolina (more savings!), Georgia and Florida, this allows ocean access with China for their Walmart-addiction lifestyle. Region ID cards and RFID implants will be necessary to prevent cross contamination and cross-breeding of plants and 'species'. $2,500 yearly extraction dividend checks, a la Alaska, to FEEER residents will be greeted with drunken revelry.

Over one hundred fifty plus years in the making, it's been sitting right there in front of us. Go ahead, grind through from social, political, geological, climate, population, fiscal, every goddamn -ogical. This can work. The Blue Eclair. The Red State Filling. The Teabagger Confederacy doesn't care about being poisoned. Rip it. Flip it. Drill it. Frack it. Strip it. Chop it. Fuck it. And Blue States can be as green and clean as a Hippie-Mama's placenta-fertilized garden. Gayly-painted little Prius' are distributed free with every Gay marriage. Once again, JFK's picture on every Blue mantle. The Bloobers care too much and that's OK. Hemp milkshakes and Birkenstocks all around.

Oprah's got her Moonbase, the rest of us have to deal with an increasing divided, hate-fueled Homeland.


The author hopes to avoid Sir Thomas More's fate.